Amir Khan Exposed NA-246 Elections in this Video

Amir Khan Indian Actor totally exposed the problem Behind the Elections just Like NA-246 is a hot topic now a days. Amir Khan in his show discussed why bad politicians win the elections when everybody is expecting from his heart to vote for the better politician. There was an assessment on Indian Voting Results by Dr Millan who lives in Washington.

Dr Millan told Amir Khan that He assessed from 2003  to 2009 he accessed 28 Voting elections. He Told that if the Politician have no criminal cases then a percentage of such politician is approx 7%. But if the same Politician have small criminal charges then his winning percentage of the election increase by 19%.
He further accessed and told that if the Politician is involved in Serious Charge Cases then the wining chances percentage increase by 25%. So its Cleared that what is happening in the Sub-Continent not Only in Pakistan!
Watch the Full Video Below and Comment what you think about this assessment !

NA-246 کی کہانی عام خان کی زبانی !
